But before you do, please take the time to look through our Frequently Asked Questions section below. Your question may have already been answered.

Refund & Replacement

Hang tight! We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    4-7 business days (by estimate) after your purchase via second email.

    After your purchase, you’ll receive two emails from us. The first one is to confirm we’ve received your order and that it’s been passed on to our printing partner to be produced. The production process usually takes up to 3-5 business days to complete. Once finished and your order has been picked up by the carrier, we’ll notify you with another email containing the tracking number.

    On their way as they often get delivered in separate packages.

    Please note that our products are custom made-to-order by multiple print partners that are located in different locations across the USA. Therefore, if you have ordered multiple items, they will possibly be delivered in separate packages. Some items may arrive earlier than others depending on production time and location.

    Please note that our delivery time is an estimate, not a guarantee.

    It’s best to allow a few more days for your item to arrive. If your package still hasn’t turned up after a few days, please reach out to us with your order number and we’ll do our best to help track down your package for you.

    Please make sure you have done the following:

    • Check if the address you’ve provided to us is correct (you can find your shipping address in the order confirmation email we’ve sent you)
    • Check with the members of your household
    • Check with your neighbours (the carrier may have mistakenly delivered the package to the wrong address. It’s rare, but it does happen)
    • Contact your local post office (your package might be there waiting to be picked up)

    If you’ve done all of the above and your package is still nowhere to be found, the last step would be to file for lost package with the carrier.

    If your lost package is due to incorrect address input, please see our Shipping Policy.

    Please email us within 7 days of receiving the item(s).

    In the email, provide us with your order number (your order number can be found in the original emails we sent you), a short description to describe the issue and a few clear photos of the defect or damage. We’ll coordinate with our print provider to investigate and resolve the issue for you.